sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008

Outros Alabamas

Não é o o estado de Alabama, nos EUA. Há outras referências:

"Roll Alabama, roll!"
The Alabama is the subject of a well known sea shanty, '"Roll Alabama, roll'":

When the Alabama's Keel was Laid, (Roll Alabama, roll!),
'Twas laid in the yard of Jonathan Laird (Roll, roll Alabama, roll!)
'Twas Laid in the yard of Jonathan Laird, 'twas laid in the town of Birkenhead.
Down the Mersey way she rolled then, and Liverpool fitted her with guns and men.
From the western isle she sailed forth, to destroy the commerce of the north.
To Cherbourg port she sailed one day, for to take her count of prize money.
Many a sailor laddie saw his doom, when the Kearsarge it hove in view.
When a ball from the forward pivot that day, shot the Alabama's stern away.
Off the three-mile (5 km) limit in '64, the Alabama was seen no more.

"Daar Kom die Alibama"

The Alabama's visit to Cape Town in 1863 has passed (with a slight spelling change) into South African folklore in the Afrikaans song, '"Daar Kom die Alibama'":

Daar kom die Alibama,
Die Alibama die kom oor die see,
Daar kom die Alibama,
Die Alibama die kom oor die see...

There comes the Alabama,
The Alabama that comes oer the sea,
There comes the Alabama,
The Alabama that comes oer the sea...

encontrado na Wikipedia .
Era um navio guerreiro, que afundou muitos outros navios, era dos confederados e encarou o poder da época, os ingleses e os americanos do norte.

Outra coisa:
também é o nome de uma localidade perto de Johanesburg (150 km mais ou menos) ao lado de Kerksdorp: veja o Google Maps.
Acho mais fácil uma nave aparecer por lá do que nos EUA. De qualquer maneira, é esperar e ver.

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